Posts in Diet
Calorie In vs. Calories Out
“Calories in versus calories out does not matter.” This is a quote by a best selling diet book author and nutrition “expert.” You are not overweight due to the number of calories you consume, you are overweight because you have a slow metabolism. Rev up your metabolism and your problem ... more
Read moreGood Bye Gluten, Hello Arsenic
Gluten-Free has become the darling of the processed food industry. Sales for 2014 are expected to exceed $7 billion dollars in the United States. Over 60 percent of Americans believe they will feel better and reduce their risks of mental and physical diseases by eating a gluten-free diet. The irony ... more
Read moreTop 10 Sources Of Sodium In The United States
U.S. and some foreign food manufacturers provide American consumers with thousands of high sodium foods. One restaurant meal can provide two or more days worth of sodium. There is no shortage of sodium in the American diet. Most people love salt. Salt is 40 percent sodium. There are other sources ... more
Read moreChocolate Flavanols Folly
One ounce of chocolate a day keeps the doctor away. Or so Dr. Oz and other celebrity nutrition and diet experts want you to believe. It sounds so simple and so tempting; if you like chocolate. But, does it really mean you should add one ounce (28 g) of chocolate to ... more
Read more13 Food Facts
Sometimes it is difficult separating food facts from food myths. Vested interests profit by consumer ignorance. Here are 13 food facts with no strings attached. 1. Farm Raised Fish Can Be Environmentally Friendly People are eating more seafood to reduce calories or up their omega-3 fat intake. For years this placed ... more
Read more8 Ways To Stay Healthier Longer
While your genes have the biggest affect on how long you will live, there are eight simple lifestyle steps you can take to improve your odds of living a long, healthy life with fewer doctor and hospital visits, and little or no prescription medications. Step 1. Stay Active Your body was ... more
Read moreLower Your Blood Pressure Without Medications
For some people, controlling high blood pressure requires taking several medications daily. Each can produces undesirable side affects. Not taking the medication due to side affects can result in a heart attack or stroke which are still the number one killer in the United States. There are proven ways to lower ... more
Read moreGuide To Hypertension
One third of Americans have high blood pressure (hypertension), and a majority of them do not have it under control according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Hypertension is known as a silent killer. There can be little or no symptoms until it is too late and you have ... more
Read moreAncient Grains
More and more products are made and marketed with ancient grains. It’s used on products made with quinoa, amaranth, spelt and other grains grown and harvested for thousands of years. Advocates of ancient grains fail to tell you is that wheat, corn, and rice have also been harvested for thousands ... more
Read moreOrganic Tortilla Chips
It was only a matter of time when the demand for organic products was high enough to beginning marketing and sell what amounts to organic junk foods. During the low fat diet craze of the 1980s, manufactures couldn’t flood supermarket shelves fast enough with “low fat”, processed foods; cookies, cakes, ice ... more
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