Recipes and Posts Tagged gluten free
Oven Roasted Zucchini
Zucchini is about 90 percent water and very low in calories. Oven Roasted Zucchini is a quick, easy recipe you can make using your oven or toaster oven depending on the amount. While over 75 percent of the calories are from fat, most of the fat is monounsaturated if you ...
Read moreGood Bye Gluten, Hello Arsenic
Gluten-Free has become the darling of the processed food industry. Sales for 2014 are expected to exceed $7 billion dollars in the United States. Over 60 percent of Americans believe they will feel better and reduce their risks of mental and physical diseases by eating a gluten-free diet. The irony ... more
Read moreOven Fried Tortillas For Tostadas
Tostadas are an open faced taco served on a crisp corn tortilla. Store bought corn tortillas are very low sodium compared to flour tortillas with 10mg or less sodium per tortilla. Fried corn tortillas sold for tostadas can have up to 20 times the sodium of fresh tortillas. You can ...
Read moreFood Fads
On January 2, 2014, General Mills, the makers of Cheerios and 100’s of other brand name foods announced Cheerios would be made without genetically modified ingredients (GMOs). This the same General Mills that contributed to a $22 million dollar fund by corporate food giants to persuade Washington State voters to ... more
Read moreOven-Fried Potatoes
Frying potatoes can be hit or miss. Frying adds calories and the end result can be limp, greasy potatoes. There is also cleaning up the oily mess that result’s when frying foods. Oven fried potatoes take only minutes to prepare, can be made using Russet, red, or white potatoes, and ...
Read moreGluten Free Gumbo
Gumbos are usually thickened and flavored with an oil and wheat flour rue. The oil adds calories unless you skim it off prior to serving and flour is off limits for people with celiac disease. This recipe cuts calories by limiting the amount of oil to 1 tablespoon (15 ml) ...
Read moreMicrowave Oven Quick Cooking Oatmeal
Microwave Oven Quick Cooking Oatmeal is an inexpensive healthier alternative to instant oatmeal. Oats are a high fiber, gluten-free, whole grain that can keep you feeling full longer, lower blood cholesterol and maintain normal bowel function. If you have celiac disease, buy oats that are verified gluten free to reduce the ...
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