Using The Adult Calorie Estimator
The Italian Mediterranean Diet calorie estimator and weight loss planner provides a realistic snapshot of where you are and where you need to be if you need to lose weight.
There are no prepared meals, no recommended dietary supplements, no regimented exercise or weight loss routines. What you will have is the facts about your Body Mass Index score, how to realistic lose excess body fat, and how much protein your body needs.
Some websites skew the facts to sell products you don’t need. Protein is in, but there are no reliable studies to back up the clams you need more protein based on your activity level. In fact, most Americans eat too much protein placing a strain on their kidneys as their body work to remove an ammonia by-product of breaking down protein into amino acids!
My calorie estimator is a free, downloadable Microsoft Excel spreadsheet requiring only 6 or 7 inputs. It will estimate your daily calorie requirements in English or Metric units. No conversions are needed.
You can use this spreadsheet in MS Excel or any spreadsheet program that works with .xls files.
The spreadsheet is divided into 5 Steps:
Step 1 – Calorie Estimator
- Estimates the number of calories to maintain your current weight based on your age, height, weight, sex, and activity level.
- Provides a high, low, and average calorie estimate.
- Calculates your Body Mass Index (BMI).
- Calculates how many pounds or kilograms you must use to achieve a normal weight BMI score.
- If your BMI score is normal, it returns you do not need to lose weight
- If your BMI score indicates you are overweight, it enters the number of pounds or kilograms you must lose in Step 2.

Normal BMI – Weight Loss Not Required

BMI Score Indicates Overweight
Step 2 – Weight Loss Calculator
- The amount of weight you should lose calculated in Step 1 is entered here.
- By entering the number of months you want to lose the weight, this calculator tells you if your goal is achievable, difficult, or dangerous. A 5 to 10 percent annual reduction in weight is achievable for most people without diet and drastic lifestyle changes.
- This calculator also estimates the number of minutes of increased physical activity to achieve your weight loss goal for a normal BMI score without changing your diet.
- Below this calculator are suggested foods you can cut from your diet, and lower calorie substitutions.

Achievable Weight Loss Goal

Unrealistic Weight Loss Goal
Step 3 – Protein Calculator
- The protein calculator automatically estimates how much protein you need to slow muscle loss. Everyone begins losing muscle after age 30. Eating enough protein and weight bearing exercise can dramatically slow muscle loss. Recommended Protein is based on your age. Adults 50 and over are encouraged to eat more protein.

Protein Calculator
Step 4 – Mediterranean Diet Calculator
- Calculates calories per meal for a Mediterranean style diet including 2 snacks for your current weight and if you need to lose weight. If you do not need to lose weight, row 2 will be filled with zeros. These are recommendations. Adjust the number of calories for your lifestyle.

IMD Calories per Meal Calculator
Step 5 – Mediterranean Diet Nutrient Calculator
- This automatically calculates calories and percent of total calories for fat, saturated, fat, carbohydrates, and protein per day.
- Saturated fat is known to increase blood cholesterol and increases your risk for heart disease and stroke. Reducing saturated fat in your diet reduces your risk for cardiovascular disease. If your weight is normal,the Current and Normal weight columns will have the same numbers.

IMD Nutrient Calculator
The information in this spreadsheet is designed to help you make informed decisions about your diet.
If you need to lose weight, discuss the results with your doctor.
A short instructional video about using this spreadsheet is planned for later this year.