Buy 1 Get 2 Free Myth
Buy 1 Get 2 Free!
According to marketing experts, Americans love things that are Free or Secret. Secrets are revealed every day. Usually, the “secret” is not a secret but common knowledge being labeled a secret to attract attention to a website, article, news story, blog post and television or radio shows. Revealing real secrets usually get you fired or a one way trip to prison.
Who doesn’t like free products? But how do businesses give away products and make money? One way is inflating the price to cover the cost of the free items. That’s exactly what one supermarket chain does. While shopping at that store this week, I checked the buy 1 get 2 free boneless, skinless chicken breasts and gagged when I saw the regular price which the ad said can save you up to $5.99 per pound. That seemed a bit high and more in line with organic chicken selling in this area.
A package of chicken breasts contained about 2 pounds and cost $11 to $12. You pay full price if you buy 1 or 2 packages. Buy 3 packages, and you’ll pay the cost of the highest price package. Six pounds of chicken for $12 is about $2 per pound. By coincidence, another national supermarket was running a special the same week on boneless, skinless chicken breasts. Their regular price is $2.99 per pound. Sale price $1.99 per pound.
Free isn’t free when prices are inflated. Buy 1 get 2 free is a good deal if you are buying 3 packages of chicken. For shoppers wanting 1 or 2 packages, shopping at their competitor is the best deal. Almost four pounds of chicken for $7.76 is a bargain compared to $11 for less than 2 pounds. Both brands had no added salt from injected salt water solution. So if it sounds to good to be true it probably is.